Environmental concerns are rising steadily with the onset of climate change and its impacts. This has led to a significant and growing increase in the number and scope of compliance obligations across all regulatory environments. Businesses, Municipalities and Schools must conform to increasingly stringent environmental laws, regulations and standards.
BALANCEDAPPROACHoffers Businesses, Municipalities and Schools Environmental Compliance Assistance including with:
CA Assembly Bill (AB) 1826 – In addition to mandating the recycling of all recyclable materials, this Bill requires businesses and schools that generate a specific amount of organic waste per week to arrange for organics recycling services, and ensure minimal cross-contamination of waste streams.
CA AB 32 Climate Action Scoping Plan and (Senate Bill) SB 32 – Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction mandates for Municipalities, with the current GHG reduction target set at 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.
CA SB 100 – Anticipating passage. Will increase the current mandate of 50% of California’s electricity to come from renewable energy such as solar and wind to 60% by 2030, and 100% by 2045.