ASGN Incorporated (NYSE: ASGN) is a leading provider of IT services and solutions, including technology and creative digital marketing, across the commercial and government sectors. ASGN has five subsidiaries (Apex, Creative Circle, CyberCoders, ECS and GlideFast) with approximately 9,000 internal employees Company-wide and $4.4 Billion in revenues.
Ms. Cunningham was the Inaugural Director of Sustainability for ASGN. She led the Company’s ESG annual reports, ESG policies, ESG reporting disclosures (CDP, GRI, S&P CSA, SASB, TCFD), ESG section of the 10k, and client and investor surveys. She also leads ESG programming and processes, including materiality assessment design and implementation, GHG inventory, 3rd party assurance, GHG emission reduction plan, SBTi alignment, ISO 14001 certification, sustainable commuting pilot, supply chain program and ESG data platform development. Ms. Cunningham was also ASGN’s representative for the United Nations Global Compact and UN SDG Accelerator Program.
See ASGN's Sustainability Microsite
Ms. Cunningham was the Inaugural Director of Sustainability for ASGN. She led the Company’s ESG annual reports, ESG policies, ESG reporting disclosures (CDP, GRI, S&P CSA, SASB, TCFD), ESG section of the 10k, and client and investor surveys. She also leads ESG programming and processes, including materiality assessment design and implementation, GHG inventory, 3rd party assurance, GHG emission reduction plan, SBTi alignment, ISO 14001 certification, sustainable commuting pilot, supply chain program and ESG data platform development. Ms. Cunningham was also ASGN’s representative for the United Nations Global Compact and UN SDG Accelerator Program.
See ASGN's Sustainability Microsite